Privacy Policy
Legal Disclaimer
The contents provided here are only general and technical explanations and information regarding the creation of a privacy policy. The contents should not be relied upon as legal advice or recommendations, as the specific terms that must be established between your business and your customers and visitors cannot be known in advance. We recommend that you seek professional legal advice to understand the requirements for and support in creating your terms of use.
Privacy Policy – Principles
Items to be included in a privacy policy
Generally, a privacy policy will include information such as: what type of information the website collects and how it collects it; an explanation of why the website collects this type of information; the website's practices regarding sharing the information with third parties; how visitors and customers can exercise their relevant privacy rights and rights under data protection laws; and any specific practices regarding the collection of data from minors.
For more information, see our Help Center article, " Creating a Privacy Policy ."